Frequently asked questions


What is Hydrogen Rich Water?

Hydrogen water is simply water that has been infused with hydrogen gas. This gas is believed to have antioxidant properties that can help to reduce inflammation in the body and improve overall health.

What are the benefits of drinking hydrogen water?

Drinking hydrogen water may provide a number of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving digestion, boosting energy levels, and even slowing down the aging process.

Some studies have also suggested that it could be helpful in reducing the risk of certain diseases, such as diabetes and cancer.

There are now 1000's of scientific studies supporting the theory of Hydrogen Water massively reducing the impacts of oxidative stress on the body. This translates into wide spread health benefits.

Try drinking hydrogen rich water for yourslef with HydroCup

What kind of water can I use?

Any form of drinking water is suitable (tap, filtered, bottled, spring water) but we do recommend starting with the hightest quality water you can before adding hydrogen to it.

While the Hydrogen Generator doesnt filter out impurities, it does remove some of the chlorines and ozone that can be found in tap water.

Primarily, It will amplify the amount of disolved molecular hydrogen in the water which both raises the pH naturally and provides aoutstanding antioxident and anti-inflamation properties that can lead to widespread health improvements.

If you're using plain tap water, we recommend using our handy 3.5L Fridge Filter to first filter your drinking water.

How long does the water stay Hydrogen Rich?

Disolved molecular hydrogen will stay available in treated water for hours, but we recommend consuming Hydrogen Rich water within 30 minutes of running a cycle in your HydroCup.

Do I need to change any filters?

None at all! The HydroCup primarily focuses on splitting water molecules to generate hydrogen, rather than filtering impurities out so this means no parts to ever replace.

The hydrogen generator uses specialised plates to create an electrolysis method that safely generates hydrogen.

What is HydroCup made out of?

Our HydroCup is made with high borisolite double-wall glass and stainless steel.